
Wellness Wednesday: Easy Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Busy Schedule

By: Jennifer Deane

exercising for fertility health

From stress management to activating your feel-good endorphins, there are numerous benefits to adding exercise to your daily routine. For those trying to conceive, exercise is a great way to keep healthy and happy during a stressful time, though it is important to consult with your doctor before beginning a fitness regimen.  As for those who have recently given birth, you will be stronger when your baby arrives and you’ll have a smoother postpartum recovery when you incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

I think of the 2,500-year-old legend of Milo when I see parents carrying babies and sleeping toddlers back to their car after a long day in the park.  “The Tale of Milo and the Bull” encapsulates the core principles of strength training.

It is said that Milo built his incredible strength through a simple, but profound strategy.  One day, a newborn calf was born near Milo’s home. Milo decided to lift the small animal up and carry it on his shoulders. The next day, he returned and did the same. Milo continued this strategy for the next four years, hoisting the calf onto his shoulders each day as it grew, until he was no longer lifting a calf, but a four-year-old bull.

As a new parent, you will be re-living Milo’s tale.  Why not start your strength journey today in preparation!

8 simple tips to help you add fitness to your daily routine:

1. Make it fun!  

Think of your exercise sessions as treat time for yourself. Your inner thoughts about activity makes all the difference for staying on track.  If you approach your fitness as a chore, it will be a chore. If you approach it with the attitude that you are going to have fun, it will be fun!

2. Keep a Fitness Journal

Studies show that people who keep a fitness journal are more likely to reach their health and wellness goals.  Pick up a journal and start recording your daily activities. Write down everything you do, include walking, cycling and even staircases at work.  If you ever feel discouraged on your progress, you can look back and see what you have done and how much you have improved!

3. Work Out in the Morning

This way, you take care of your health and wellness first and other daily tasks won’t get in the way. Often good intentions get trumped by life, your family, your colleagues or you need to eat. Busy days pass by very quickly, so making an effort to work out in the morning will relieve the stress of having to make time to exercise during the rest of your day.

4. Add One Strenuous Chore a Day:

What a great way to accomplish two things in one go!  Sometimes work around my house becomes part of my exercise routine, for example, washing the car, washing windows or vacuuming with lunges (be sure to alternate sides!).  Do something that takes 30 – 60 minutes of moving and voilà! a workout has occurred!

5. Take 10-Minute Fitness Breaks

Next time you are at work, try taking a break by doing 3 sets of 10 wall or counter push-ups and alternating with squats.  This takes less than 10 minutes and gives you a mental break from your work.  Do this 3 times a day and you’ve done 30 minutes of exercise, a great workout!

6. Make Your Transportation a Physical Activity

How about walking or cycling to work?  If it’s too far, drive most of the way to work and walk or cycle the last few kilometers.  You might even reduce your gas and parking bill!

7. Stairs Rather than Escalators and Elevators

If you always choose the physical alternative, it adds up quickly!  You will benefit more from small, consistent steps rather than occasional fitness blasts when it comes to increasing your fitness lifestyle habits.

8. While you Watch TV

Do you have to sit still to follow the evening news?  This is a great opportunity to do exercises using your body weight, try stretching, lunges, squats, planks or push-ups.

Jennifer Deane BCRPAJennifer Deane is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer and the Manager of BodaHealth in Vancouver, B.C. She has taught prenatal fitness classes where the parents later report that they appreciated being prepared for the arrival of their wee ones.
