
Most Significant Scientific Contributions

1. Impact of Assisted Reproduction on the Incidences of Breast and Ovarian Cancer

2. Evidence-based Medicine in Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

3. Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

4. Leadership Skills in Residency Programs

5. CIHR funded trial: GnRH agonist for ovarian preservation during Gonadotoxic chemotherapy: PROOF trial

6. Reproductive Decision Making and Multiple Gestation after IVF

7. Low Dose hCG reduces the incidence of early and severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) after IVF



The whole process start to finish was intense and emotional but the best decision I ever made. Dr. Kashyap and her staff made the process so much easier. They were always available to answer questions, if I left a message or sent an email, that same day I heard back. Not once did they seem rushed, they always took the time for me.
